How Do Dental Implants Work?

A dental implant is made up of at least two components: the replacement root and the restoration. Commonly made of titanium, the root device is anchored into your jawbone, similar to a natural tooth root. The restoration is a dental crown, bridge, or denture. Usually, an abutment connects these two pieces. 

Once installed, your dental implants will have the same function and strength as your original tooth root. That’s because the jawbone fuses with the dental implant, firmly anchoring it in place.

Natural-Looking Teeth To Support Your Smile

Dental implants are a welcome alternative to poor-fitting dentures or bridgework. Dental implants are better than other options because they:

  • Support bones and gums
  • Look and function like natural teeth
  • Improve your quality of life
  • Are easy to maintain
  • Can last a lifetime

Your gums and bones depend on your teeth just as much as your teeth depend on gums and bones. Dentures don’t support your bones and gums, so they shrink, which can cause your face to shrink. Dental implants support bones and gums so you can maintain your facial proportions. 

Dental implants anchor in your jawbone so they can function like natural teeth. With attractive restorations, most people won’t be able to tell the difference between your replacement teeth and natural teeth. 

Chewing with dentures often results in pain or discomfort. When loose dentures rub against your gums, the pain takes the joy out of almost everything involving your teeth. Eating is not just a way to stay alive; in nearly every human culture, eating is a social, happy event.

Fortunately, modern technology has advanced dental implants to the point where they can be used to replace as many missing or broken teeth as you have. Even if you have lost all your teeth, implant-supported dentures can restore your full smile. These days, we’re living longer. With dental implants, you can live your whole life with the greatest possible pleasure.

Dental implants are easy to maintain. Just brush, floss, and make regular dental checkups. The technique of cleaning your implants is a little different, but after a short time, it will be easy. Good oral hygiene means dental implants can last a lifetime: some people have had implants for over 50 years!

Computerized Treatment Planning For Your Implant

At Top Down Dental in San Jose/Los Gatos, we can provide easy, comfortable dental implant surgery. Using a CT-guided plan, we can virtually pre-plan your implants’ precise size and placement. This gives us very accurate results. We also use the CS 9300 – a revolutionary imaging tool that provides our patients with more precise diagnoses, more comfort, and less radiation – to help us accurately position implants.

A CT scan takes 3D panoramic images and cross-sectional views of your jaw and head with minimal radiation exposure. The 20-second scan provides implant dentist Dr. Nancy Nehawandian with a complete set of images of your tooth and bone structure, location, and density. This gives her all the necessary information to plan your implant surgery, including tooth extraction, bone grafting, and other support procedures.

Once we’ve completed your CT scan, we’ll use CodiagnostiX planning software to plan the precise placement of your dental implants. This precise treatment plan allows Top Down Dental in San Jose/Los Gatos to perform minimally invasive implant surgery. This all means minimal discomfort in surgery, a shorter recuperation time, and excellent results.

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost in Los Gatos?

The cost of dental implants depends upon the number and type of implants you need. For example, replacing a single tooth costs about as much as a dental bridge. The cost will increase if you need more complex treatment, such as bone grafting. 

Implant surgery is highly customized dental care, so we can’t provide an estimate without a thorough examination. However, you’ll get a detailed estimate along with a treatment plan before agreeing to surgery. Rest assured, improving your self-confidence, comfort, eating habits, and appearance will make dental implant treatment one of the best investments you’ve ever made!

Replace Your Missing Teeth With Dental Implants

Dr. Nancy Nehawandian at Top Down Dental has the training and experience you need for dental implant surgery. By thoroughly explaining the dental implant cost, procedure, and healing time, Dr. Nancy Nehawandian will steer you confidently toward your beautiful new smile. Call our Los Gatos office today at (408) 354-5600 to make an appointment.