Benefits of Regular Dental Cleanings

Your professional dental cleanings will help you avoid:

  • Bacteria buildup:  Bacteria can damage the enamel of your teeth.
  • Tartar: Tartar is a form of hardened plaque that can lead to toothaches, cavities, and gum disease.
  • Cavities: Cavities are a result of tooth decay.
  • Gum disease:  Also known as periodontal disease, gum disease can lead to tooth sensitivity, tooth shifting, or tooth loss.
  • Untreated gum disease: Left untreated, gum disease bacteria can enter your bloodstream, contributing to your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and pregnancy complications like low birth weight.

Getting regular dental cleanings is about more than protecting your teeth and gums. Studies show that people who get regular dental checkups and professional cleanings have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke. 

At the same time, your dentist, Dr. Nehawandian, will check your teeth for developing problems. If we detect problems early, we can treat them with simple modifications to your home hygiene routine. 

Hygiene Habits Between Dental Cleanings To Keep Your Smile Healthy

Brush and floss your teeth at least twice daily, in the morning and just before bed.  Regular brushing and flossing remove harmful bacteria that can cause plaque and tartar buildup.

Choose a soft toothbrush with well-designed bristles on a small head.  This will allow you to get into tight spaces. Brush gently for two to three minutes. If your dentist gave you specific instructions for brushing (such as brushing your tongue), follow them closely. 

When shopping for toothpaste, floss, and toothbrushes, look for products the American Dental Association endorses.

When flossing, using the correct technique is important, or you won’t be as effective as possible.  Here’s how to do it right:

  • Wash your hands first. You’ll be putting them in your mouth, so cleaning them beforehand is a good idea.
  • Break off enough floss. Don’t be stingy; you’ll need enough for a couple of turns around each index finger.
  • Slide the floss between your teeth using a zig-zagging motion.
  • Make a “c” with the floss by wrapping it around your tooth’s bottom and carefully pulling it up.
  • Don’t forget to get both sides of each tooth.

Learning to floss correctly can take time. Our hygienist can demonstrate the proper technique. If you are having trouble, consider trying different types of floss or flossers. Consider trying different tools, such as interdental brushes or water flossers. 

Regular Dental Exams and Check-Ups

woman after dental cleaning

No matter how well you brush and floss at home, you must see a dentist for regular, professional care. Because teeth usually have hard-to-reach areas, most people will still build up some plaque and tartar on their teeth.  Dental hygienists use modern dental equipment that will remove the stubborn plaque and tartar your toothbrush missed.

If you have a lot of tartar build-up, a dentist may schedule you for subsequent visits to make sure all the tartar is removed.  Tartar build-up can cause gum disease.  Keeping on top of tartar is a simple, proactive way of protecting you from the harmful effects of gum disease.

During your cleaning, the dental hygienist may polish your teeth to help them look good and protect them from decay.

A hygienist and our dentist will examine your teeth and gums at your check-up.  They’re looking for cavities, gum problems, tartar build-up, and other issues that may cause you grief in the future.  By catching and treating your dental problems early, you’ll avoid painful, costly issues that could negatively impact your overall health.

Dentists recommend getting your teeth checked twice yearly and cleaned but could be more often based on your unique needs. 

Dental Exams Can Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Investing in good oral hygiene habits and regular, professional dental care will help you keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible. We serve the San Jose area from our dental office in Los Gatos. Our staff are trained in preventative dentistry.  They can teach you how to prevent dental problems and diagnose and treat your dental issues early on, boosting your health and saving you money. Call us at (408) 354-5600 or e-mail us to learn more.